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Building the Scam: A Decade of Suppression

Building the Social Media Monster fraud scheme was no small task. The process involved over a decade of suppression efforts of every kind; frivolous copyright complaints, spurious lawsuits, abuse of relationships in Silicon Valley, exploiting failing AI, exploitation of local police departments, financial wars of attrition, search engine optimization campaigns, and any other tactic the production could come up with to rewrite the past and suppress history.

Ross’s mission was to erase my prolific film, activism and journalism career and replace it with his own fictionalized narrative.

Ross began by abusing relationships at Facebook to get my accounts deleted, which included my public figure account and my account for which housed photos, posts and evidence of hundreds of environmental and anti-corruption campaigns. Prior to the deletion of my accounts, any person could quickly verify my career and see almost a decade of history as an active filmmaker, activist and journalist.

The filmmaker followed this with a long series of frivolous lawsuits, dragging us through the courts for close to four years, seeking a permanent injunction against future speech. He sought court orders to make sure I could never tell the real story. In his most recent suit, Ross vs Matthew Berdyck LLC, he’d formed a plot to sue a defunct LLC, so I count represent myself in the case, with the hopes of piercing the corporate veil. The courts thwarted his attempt and criticized him for not naming me in the suit, resulting in a permanent but worthless injunction against a company that no longer exists.

To suppress my activity on Twitter/X, he began filing a series of what later became hundreds of false copyright complaints to trigger default account bans and erase any posts which showed he’s pulling a scam. This tactic worked until Elon Musk bought the platform, investigated the matter, triggering the restoration of my accounts.

The same tactic was used on GoDaddy, who eventually cancelled my accounts, releasing all of my websites back into the market, at which point Ross or his friends purchased them, deleted the contents and rebranded them as advertisements for his film. To this day, clicking on the former website of results in a redirect to the website for Social Media Monster.

To aid in covering up any content that he couldn’t get deleted, he created a series of 46 short films, filled with disinformation, claiming I’m not a filmmaker, activist, or journalist, designed to take over my search results, to the tune of 72 of my current search engine results are content from the film production.

To suppress e-mail evidence, Ross scammed local police departments into making calls to Gmail and Outlook, making false allegations of harassment, resulting in the deletion of multiple e-mail accounts that contained evidence of the director’s crimes, and other evidence that would discredit the film.

Even attempting to do podcasts to tell my story resulted in the deletion of my accounts because the filmmaker would write to Trust & Safety departments claiming he isn’t a public figure and my attempts to correct the record were “harassing him.” He then turned around, cherry picked the deleted content, and put it in his movie.

Only last week, I recorded a podcast, responding to the claims in the movie. The podcaster became harassed by the production and the director’s friends, his employer was doxxed, he was threatened with lawsuits and harassed until he removed the podcast.

At every step of this process, the director has made Herculean attempts to suppress the actual past so he could orchestrate his ongoing fraud scheme.