About Social Media Monster

The film Social Media Monster is a thinly veiled political propaganda campaign, designed to manipulate the viewer, erase my filmmaking, activism, and journalism career and rebrand me as an internet troll.

Behind the scenes, the documentary is being used to destroy powerful environmental and anti-corruption causes and has been used to impact the health and safety of millions of unsuspecting people in the United States and Canada.

Social Media Monster Deep Dive

As with every other part of Social Media Monster, when pressed with tough questions, the director resorts to logical fallacies, manipulations of reality, and blatant lies, to make his point.

SuperfundResearch.org was rebranded to ToxicWasteSites.org, in 2020. They are essentially the same organization. The latter was never a part of Matthew Berdyck LLC and is statutorily a sole proprietorship in the State of California.

SuperfundResearch.org was managed by Alex Hwang, who in in 2018 stole the hosting package, the URL, and data, at which point the director got his underling to purchase the URL and redirected it to the Social Media Monster website. I was forced to rebrand to deal with the data theft.

No activist in the country is judged on whether not they are an activist based on their LCC, or business structure, or lack thereof. This is absurdist logic.

According to the director, the final edit of the film took place in April of 2024, long after ToxicWasteSites.org was formed.

A 2021 court ruling in Franklin County, Ohio determined,”Matthew Berdyck is an activist, journalist, and filmmaker.” Roanoke Times and ABC News also confirm my claims.

Is this deep dive just “saying things without evidence?”

No. What follows on this website is an accurate assessment of missing information from the film and deep dive. Ross is gaslighting the world when he says he brings the receipts. One can view the long and growing list of missing information featured on this site, scan his deep dive, and you’ll find that none of information I say is missing from from his film and deep dive is there.


Matthew Berdyck Social Media Monster Interview

My first ever interview in my 14 year career as a filmmaker, activist, and journalist. In this podcast, I tell the real IHOP story, correct the false back story, and reveal all sorts of information that Peter John Ross failed to include in the movie, including solving the mystery of my now infamous furniture.

Is director Peter John Ross an honest man?

Peter John Ross has made 44 short films, a feature length film, and he’s recorded almost 25 hours of podcasts, to overwhelm people with so much information and disinformation that no human being has months of time to sift through his claims. The director asks the public to ignore key evidence, including media sourcing from multiple media outlets, and for viewers to accept that things they can see with their own eyes do not exist. In short, he’s a con man exploiting any human being who will listen.

City Councilman Brian Myers endured a national racism scandal during production but it was left out of the film.

Missing Information

The director has advertised the film as different than other documentary films because his production has brought the receipts via a deep dive Google Drive.

Yet the film and deep dive itself are missing volumes of information which the production has either left out or failed to obtain.

In some cases, key information was removed from the film (from the rough to the final cut) because it discredited the narrative of the documentary.

The exclusion of this data is paramount to determining the credibility of the statements made in the film and of the director, himself.

Peter John Ross maintained a pattern of willful ignorance throughout the production of the movie. If he was made aware of missing data points, he’d fail to obtain them and claim, “I haven’t seen any evidence of [insert subject].”

If there was data that was publicly available but disagrees with him, he’d passes the burden onto the viewer and say, “Anyone can contact [insert name of agency] to obtain the records, themselves.

Without this data to back up the movie, it’s impossible to know if various statements and series of events are true or actually happened.

Withholding the data demonstrates an intent to manipulate the viewer, via cherry picking of information and other logical fallacies.

  • The "threats to blow up a nuclear power plant" did not occur. The lone source for that claim is a blog called Scumbagged.com, owned by a husband and wife team named Richard and Amber Humphrey.

    Richard is a Tier III convicted sex offender, in Ohio. Amber is a convicted prostitute.

    Even the sites own article does not claim that I threatened to blow up a nuclear power plant.

  • The director claims that the deep dive shows police reports which prove film's statements about the IHOP incident and officer conduct.

    These police reports were subject to an Office of Professional Standards investigation. The results of this investigation were never obtained by the production.

    I was a part of this investigation, as a witness. The OPS investigation discredited these initial police reports.

  • The film mentions my FBI file while flashing a redacted CD ROM on the screen, from FBI FOIA, allegedly representing a copy of the file.

    The unreacted photo shows that the subject of the request was "North Perry" and it is not a copy of my personal FBI file.

    The director is refusing to include the contents of that FOIA request, in his deep dive, even though he is required to publish the information.


    After publishing this, Peter John Ross published what he alleged are the contents of the file, in his deep dive.

    Rather than confirm the statements in the film, the file shows that he submitted a tip, attempted to scam the FBI, and they followed up and referred him to local police.

    Read More about his scam attempt

  • The film makes bold claims that I was the subject of a massive FBI investigation. Other than a single photo of Ross sitting in the lobby of the Cleveland FBI Office, no evidence is presented that he was interviewed in person or that a formal investigation even occurred.

    There is no evidence that a case was ever presented to the U.S. Attorney, Northern District of Ohio.

    Note: The FBI's policy is to never confirm nor deny the existence or status of an investigation.

  • There is no mention of my organization ToxicWasteSites.org

    Only my former .org SuperfundResearch.org is referenced, a URL that was bought by the director's long time associate and co-conspirator, Luis Rodriguez, which he's illegally squatting on to this day.

    Ross claims that because the .org did not exist during the filming timeframe, it was not included. In the film, Myers says, 'It's a yer and half later" and ToxicWasteSites.org, did exist. The .org is SuperfundResearch.orgf re-branded and is the same organization with a slightly expanded mission statement.

    ToxicWasteSites.org does not have formal business registration because it does not conduct financial transactions, but exists under statutory law as a sole proprietorship.

  • Ross claimed in the film, in his Frequently Asked Questions, and past interviews that I contacted The Ohio Channel over 400 times, threatened to expose them as being associated with pedophilia, and said I would run campaigns against them

    In spite of continually making these claims, all the way back to 2018, he has provided no evidence that this ever occurred. He alludes to contacts I made to them in 2018, but those e-mails were only to confirm the actual reason the show was cancelled.

  • The Director states that he spoke with the North Perry, Ohio chief of police but did not do so. His claims that the chief told him the incident was not a hoax have no basis in reality.

    Rather than provide this evidence he refers deep divers to e-mail a non-monitored e-mail address and a general police phone number, telling viewers to do his job for him.

    He doesn't know the name of the police agency in Pennsylvania that also determined the incident to be a hoax and has never asked or requested the name of that agency from me.

  • Ross has cherry picked news articles to credit one person with exposing the Flint Water Crisis. In reality, Flint was the work of many activists, citizens, and scientists, including myself, Erin Brockovich, Dr. Edwards, Mellissa Mays, Arthur Woodson, and many more.

    My 2013 short film, Poison in the Grapes, uncovered specific corruption at the Region 5 EPA and the Region 5 EPA Administrator was forced to resign during the crisis. The EPA Office of Inspector General found this office and EPA head Gina McCarthy partially responsible.

  • In the 2020 rough cut of the film, the memo sent out to New Press Now employees was featured in the film, which included the statement, "Matthew Berdyck has not made any threats to the newspaper."

    When i pointed this out, Peter John Ross removed the letter from the final cut of his film because it discredited his narrative.

  • In Ross's FBI blog he says he made an FBI request for audio recordings of the FBI interviewing both myself and Alex, but I was never interviewed by the FBI over the nuclear threats, and there is no evidence Alex was interviewed, either.

    As with every other bit of missing information, Peter John Ross has chosen deception by withholding info rather than simply being honest.

    He's even gone as far as claiming that pointing out all the factually missing information is me gaslighting people when, in fact, it's him that is gaslighting the entire audience by claiming all of the missing data mentioned here is present in his deep dive.