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The Real Story Behind Social Media Monster For Busy Folks

Note: This is a hyperlinked, living article that is attached to an ever growing Google Drive of evidence, sources for various statements, and other information to help confirm the story. The section regarding Peter John Ross is much more vast and has not been sourced yet, as it encompasses over 22 Gigs of information going back 12 years.

In The Beginning

Simply put, the film Social Media Monster is a front for a vastly massive, national, organized cyber crime and stalking scheme that has taken place across thousands of cities in the US, as I have traveled the country running Because of my travels, I’m consistently changing jurisdiction, leaving me with no one, single local police agency to oversee the matter.

As I have traveled across the US fighting powerful anti-corruption and environmental battles, I’ve been ferociously pursued by Social Media Monster director, Peter John Ross, and his merry band of trolls and henchmen. Peter’s group engages in internet vigilantism and trolling. Their actions are torn from the warped and twisted pages of legendary troll website 4Chan. One could liken Ross and his thugs to Anonymous but if it was spun into a backwards world of protecting corruption, the system, police, the US EPA, and any other party that’s been the subject of my work.

It’s The Same Old Story, With A Twist

For context, a person could consider the deranged case of maniacal sci-fi author Patrick Tomlinson, who has been subject to relentless torment and ridicule, including dozens and dozens of swatting incidents, allegedly originating from the websites Opie and Anthony Forums and KiwiFarms. One Kiwi told me in an interview on X, “Pat declared Jihad on a group of trolls and we fought back.”

Another living example of the type of targeting I’ve endured is detailed out in the Netflix series, The Antisocial Network, that in part tells the story of how 4Chan targeted a prolific Neo-Nazi radio host, launched a tidal wave of harassment towards him that eventually resulted in exposing that the white supremacist host was an FBI informant; this incident was the beginning of what later became the infamous hacker group, Anonymous.

The Social Media Monster film presents a tip of the iceberg story that no matter which part of the movie one picks to deep dive, the viewer is sucked into a psychotic rabbit hole of the rest of the story that wasn’t disclosed by the director. Because this series of events has spanned the entire United States, during a now over a 12 year time frame, Ross has had well over a decade to turn his scam into what I believe is one of the most prolific and complex cyber crimes in US history. This crime involves corrupt police, prosecutors, judges, EPA officials, elected officials, and anyone else Ross could lure into his scam. Many of of these people have no idea what they’re participating in.

Therein lies the problem; Peter John Ross is arguably a criminal mastermind, a master manipulator, with an almost cult like group of followers, that he refers to as his Acolytes of The Boo, a play on his internet username, Sonnyboo. Ross has created a criminal plot so absurd and unrelentingly multi-layered that for many years, I sounded stark rambling insane just for trying to explain what he was doing to me. Attempting to take this matter to police, journalists, lawyers, and even the courts, has left me with the understanding that because there’s 12 years of history, it’s been virtually impossible to begin explaining all of this or tell ever tell the whole story.

It’s been equally impossible to get anyone to listen.

The World Has Adapted

Much to the ire of Mr. Ross, over the last decade the world has changed in many ways, while he’s operated as a fixed force who isn’t capable of changing his ways or updating his tactics. He’s an old dog with no new tricks. As time has passed, the world has started form a conscious understanding of the tactics and concepts Ross deploys. At this time in history, this ginormous menagerie of online insanity he’s created is a million times and a half times easier to explain.

Enter Raymond Reddington

To introduce an example of what I’m enduring, I can refer to the theft of my organization, now called, hijacked for the purposes of trolling, online abuse, and whistleblower retaliation by Ross associate, Raymond Reddington. Raymond, formerly known as Luis Rodiriguez, who changed his name to match a villainous TV character, refers to himself as “The most powerful troll in the world.”

If what he was doing was pure trolling, it would be one thing, but what he’s actually doing is using internet vigilante tactics to protect a fraudulent homelessness organization, called the Zephyrus Foundation, that he claims does business in Florida, California, Oklahoma and Oregon. Mr. Ross is providing Mr. Reddington with protection, aiding him in promoting this fake homeless shelter. Even the most rudimentary investigator could determine that the shelter doesn’t exist, that it appears to be a potential criminal tax fraud scheme, and identity theft ring, etc.

Reddington continually advertises that the shelter exists. At one point he attempted to raise $100,000 to build a new shelter because his current shelter was so full due to the Hawaii fires that he was “forced to turn families away.” Another post claims he’s operating a 500 bed shelter with over 800 jobs available to the homeless. None of this infrastructure exists, all tracing back to a PO Box in Polk County, Florida.

Mr. Reddington purchased my former URL after it was stolen from me in a data theft, redirected it to the Social Media Monster website, and even unlawfully registered it to the Oregon Secretary of State, only last week, as a division of the shell .org Zephyrus Foundation.

As he’s done this, Raymond has made over 60 X accounts, and dozens of fake phone numbers, to relentlessly harass me. A few days ago, he showed up at the Denny’s in Barstow, California, where I am working to clean up the water. He impersonated my .org to obtain a military discount. Reddington told restaurant staff that he was “fighting for the citizens of Barstow,” posted video of him doing all of this, then texted me, “Raymond Reddington is unstoppable.”

Ross, fully aware of all of this, has not disavowed himself from the plot, the only material defense he’d have against conspiracy.

Rayond is running a website called the Lemon Report, that publishes disinformation about me, making the most bizarre and idiotic allegations, like that I am currently being sued by my son’s mother for not paying child support for my 28 year old son who has three children, himself. I’m a grandfather!

In 2020, the Lemon Report website triggered a swatting incident that resulted in my false arrested in Gilroy, California. I was placed in the Santa Clara County jail for 12 hours until police determined I was the victim of an internet hoax. It would be hard to prove all of this happened if the resulting footage wasn’t featured after the credits of Social Media Monster.

Also, in 2020, Raymond orchestrated the theft of my computer server for, stole my data, and dumped trade secrets all over the internet. Last month, he took lyrics from a song that I’d written, found on the stolen hard drive, and created new music out of it. He runs a Soundcloud account with my stolen copyrighted lyrics that he says he unlawfully registered with the copyright office.

While the story I am telling sounds utterly insane, the real crazy part is that this is one of hundreds of incidents and people that Ross has incited into doing equally deranged things to me.

Raymond, oddly, is the least of the problems I have. The real predator is Ross.

What Lies Beneath

The director, members of the production, and his henchpersons, have used now over 1,700 separate social media accounts, across Facebook, X, YouTube, Reddit, Wordpress, and other social media sites, to mercilessly target me, 24 hours a day, for now over 12 years.

I’ve received over 400,000 e-mails, tens of thousands of harassing texts, I’ve been subject to 4 solid years of excessive and frivlous litigation, hundreds of false copyright complaints, numerous swatting incidents, including Ross scamming the Summit County Ohio Prosecutor into swatting my son’s home. My mother, my sister, my children, and my grandchildren have all been targeted.

There is a twist in the story because unlike Pat Tomlinson, or the Neo-Nazi radio host, Ross is conspiring with elected officials, EPA staff, multiple prosecutors, and other feds, to the extent that there are former and current FBI agents that have been or are currently, and negligently, working with Ross.

Ross has a long history of targeting people and torturing them until they snap. He does this for sport and has done it to others.

This would be not as severe an allegation if elected officials and local, state, and fed officials weren’t involved, that under most state and federal laws makes his efforts to get me arrested felony entrapment. Yet, up untill now, no one has ever bothered to listen to me or ask questions.

This is not to say the FBI isn’t aware of any of this. They are but I’m a whistleblower. Looking the other way, granting Ross blanket immunity, has allowed them to use him and his group to retaliate against me.

Ross shows up in communities where I’m doing my federally protected job, commits Conspiracy Against Rights; a federal felony crime punishable by up to ten years in prison, under Section 241, Title 18. The evidence of this is overwhelming. To this date, I’ve never been able to get a single police officer, journalist, lawyer, or FBI agent to look at any of the evidence.

The Corruption Scandal I’m Exposing Is Equally As Vast

The common thread of most documentaries we consume is that the films have tropes about how the FBI, journalism, and police failed to act. My situation is no different, except for the work of, the wild card in this story.

At the core of the Social Media Monster scam is the herculean effort to keep me quiet about what it is that I’m really working on.

Over a thousand cities of travel, I’d conducted a massive on the ground, real world investigation into the US EPA’s Superfund project. I’d uncovered forty years of lies, greed, deception, and corruption, on the part of EPA contractors, officials, and scientists. This false information was distributed to the media, who readily promoted the fed narrative and never asked questions. Think media boondoggle weapons of mass destruction times a thousand.

In every city I’ve gone to, Ross’s group shows up using fake Facebook accounts to spread disinformation in local Facebook groups. Once they lure in a conspiritor, they’ve got a proxy recruit who is used to wage a disinformation war against me, and my .org. In the last year alone, they’ve targeted California locations Monterey County, Imperial County, Del Norte County, Barstow, and in Ohio, East Palestine, during the rail incident.

One of the most vile things Ross has ever done was provide a wall of protection for now convicted Warren County Virginia Economic Development Director, Jennifer McDonald, who conspired with then Sheriff McEathron, to embezzle over $21 million dollars, in what is called the largest embezzlement scheme in Virginia history. I’m credited by Roanoke Times for exposong the scandal.

When The sheriff’s invoovement was revealed, he shot himself. Today, the local media outlet that provided a wall of protection for McDonald, and targeted me for exposing the scandal, is still attacking me, even though I was vindicated over 5 years ago.

These people working with Ross are merciless and without human emotion. Any human being or community will be made to suffer, even if there is a federally confirmed cancer cluster, in the interest of destroying me and my .org. No person has been spared as millions, by this point, have been impacted.

Surival Of The Fittest

Ross’s only response is, “He’s not an activist, journalist or filmmaker.”

In fact, even after he himself testified in court about my side job, my handyman business, he released the film under the tagline, “How a man with no job…”, portraying me as an unemployed homeless man living in my car. His YouTube and fan page feature photos and film of him trespassing at almost every home I’ve ever rented or owned. His YouTube channel features the e-mails I’m receiving, threatening to murder me and cannibalize my body, the sum total of which explains why I do van life and move all over the country. If I sit still too long, the Tiger King like trespassing incidents, false arrests, swatting, and stalking begins.

If Ross is pressured about any of the above, he’ll look you straight in the eye and tell you that evidence that you’re looking at doesn’t exist, the most malignant narcissist response he can possibly make. Any effort to question why none of this story is in his movie will result in an explosion of logical fallacies, file folders of prefabricated excuses, and attempts to redirect the story back to me.

The movie Social Media Monster isn’t real. The rest of this story has not been told. I can only sit and wait until one person who can help asks me the rest of the story.

The City of St. Joseph and its citizens are just Ross’s latest conspirators.


As I type this I received a text from a burner phone number asking me to watch a YouTube video that was posted to one of my X accounts, along with a post containing my social security number which Mr. Ross has been distributing to anyone who will listen.

The video is from Raymond Reddington, running a fund raising campaign to help “Matthew, the homeless man living in his car,” by donating just fifty cents a day to my stolen organization, which again, redirects to the Social Media Monster website.

12 years. No relief. No end in sight.