Peter John Ross’s Deranged Plot To Sue Matthew Berdyck LLC
In September 11th, 2023, Columbus filmmaker Peter John Ross filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit, in Franklin County, Ohio, against Matthew Berdyck LLC, a limited liability corporation which has had no officers and has not been in use for several years.
The LLC was used in the State of California to manage my gig work and handyman work.
In the suit, Ross used a screenshot of this website, the section called “holdings”, to claim that my newspaper Daily Independent Journal, my organization, my YouTube channel and production company, Fillmore Street Films, were “holdings of Matthew Berdyck LLC.” That were not. These are my personal holdings that have no relationship to Matthew Berdyck LLC, all of which existed long before the LLC
Using this spurious connection, he alleged that there was personal jurisdiction based on a satirical article title, “Daily Independent Journal Moves To Ohio,” a writing piece I typed to laugh at Peter John Ross absurd claims that my newspaper wasn’t a newspaper.
Then he set out upon his idiotic plot. He hid the lawsuit from me, told the judge that I was “dodging service,” and requested substitute service. Without me ever knowing about the suit, he was attempting to secure a default judgement. In the suit, he requested that the courts find me personally liable for the actions of the LLC.
In the meantime, because I do van life, two months after he filed the suit, I relocated to Joshua Tree National Park for the winter, unaware that I was being sued. I stayed in the same spot for the next five months, posted photos of my location, to the point that there was no mystery as to where I was.
From September to February, Ross put on a show for the court, filing repeated spurious motions for substitute service, claiming I was unable to be located and service was impossible. All of them were denied. He also changed the address on the suit multiple times even though he knew I wasn’t at those locations and they were no longer my address.
In mid-February, a user from an Internet forum tipped me off to the suit. Even after learning of the suit, I did not leave my location for three more months and I continually publicly stated that I would accept service of the suit from an unbiased process server.
Ross claims that he called around to sheriff’s offices and process servers, told them I was unable to be located and told process servers I was dangerous, violent man, causing law enforcement to tell him they couldn’t serve me without an address and process servers to give him outrageous quotes for $15,000, even though I’d clearly stated that I’d accept service, with no trouble.
This was all a plot to encourage the court to appoint a special process server, one of Peter’s friends who has been viciously harassing me for 5 years.
Eveh though the case should have been dismissed after six months due to lack of service, the judge left the case on the books for several more months.
On the day that the case was scheduled to be dismissed, Peter filed for the special process server and even though his own filing showed there was a prior existing issue with the person Peter selected, the deranged psycho was appointed, at which point he immediately began telecommunications harassing me, relentlessly.
When they learned that 2021 Fillmore Street Suite 2008 didn’t exist, Ross submitted the address 2021 Fillmore Street, a different legal address, and they served a complete stranger that I’ve never met in my life.
After “service” was achieved, Ross submitted a motion which was filled with a hundred links that had nothing to do with the suit, using the suit to target any response to the film he made about me, Social Media Monster and
Ross then went on a podcast bragging about the suit and that he was going to use his judgement to take possession of my car, report it stolen, and get me charged wlth grand theft auto.
The courts issued a default judgement, fully aware the LLC had not been served but I was not held personally liable because he’d not named me in the suit.
After the filing, Ross filed for an emergency injunction against me personally, submitting 56 pages of links, trying to wipe out all of my social negus accounts, including a few external accounts that don’t even belong to me. This was also denied.
Since then he has used the judgement to claim he won a defamation lawsuit against me, personally, and is using it as a promotional tool for his film project.
On the 24th he attended a hearing for damages and submitted knowingly out of date evidence, and there’s no telling how he’s going to abuse this irrelevant court ruling to continue to impact me personally.